People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Get to know me

Here are a few tidbits of information about myself that some of you might not know.

First, I try to live life according to some rules I set in place for myself:

1. Love God
2. Love my family
3. Be kind to everyone - "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." - Bible: Hebrews (13:2)

Did you know:
I grew up on a farm in a town with a population of 98
I am an Airforce brat
My favorite sport is badmitten
There is no word or emotion strong enough to descripe the fear I have of spiders
When I was young, I wanted to be Indiana Jones when I grew up
I read an issue of National Geographic when I was 8 years old about the ancient city of Pompey, I have been intrigued by ancient history ever since.
My favorite channel on TV is the History Channel (no surprise there)
I can play the piano, violin and oboe
I average 5 hours of sleep
I am cursed with a need to be overly organized (I may have a 2 inch layer of dust and pet hair on everything, but by gosh it's organized)
My favorite time of day is early morning
I once ate tree sap because I thought it was maple syrup, it did not turn out well
My brother and I invented a game called "Around the world in 80 seconds" it was basically wrapping each other up with pillows inside a blanket, using a couple belts to secure, putting on my dad's old football helmet, and then pushing each other down the stairs. Yeah, that was probably a stupid game.
I "rescued" water snakes from irrigation ditches on our farm and secretly kept them as pets (only for a couple of hours)
I like thunderstorms
My husband made me believe when we first came to Kansas that Jayhawks were a real bird, so of course I spent countless hours trying to find one with the binoculars

And now you know the "rest of the story"

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the most endearing and humorous biographies I've ever read!
    Thanks for sharing!


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